Renewal through Discernment

As parishes are renewed spiritually, they should be taught discernment as the way to faithfully follow God's lead and God's will for their lives.

Donations are gratefully received if you find something useful.


Discernment Basics for Call Committees and Church Councils
For Call Committees and Church Councils/Boards, this is a short article on the basics of the discernment process.

Five Devotions on Discernment
These devotions can be used by Committees, Councils/Boards, and organizations of the church, or other small group settings.

Your Will Be Done: Does Our Language Follow Our Prayer?
This article addresses how we can make use of discernment language in church business meetings to discern and follow more effectively the will of God.

Discerning God's Will: A Group Spiritual Process
After a congregation has lived with spiritual renewal and an emphasis on Being Faithful for upwards of a year, this Day of Discernment can be used to begin a discerning and planning process for direction of that church's ministries.  This day draws on scripture, ancient and modern spiritual sages and group process for engaging an entire church in seeking God's will.  See also an Article on the day as it worked in one church in Florida, as well as two sermons that I have preached in conjunction with these events:  The Spirit Descending and Does God Speak Anymore?

Renewing Congregations: Worship as Key Ingredient
Congregations that are redeveloping and renewing themselves are often swayed by the idea that worship must cater to those who do not know of Christian ways.  Then what of the people of God?  Where shall they worship and remember their baptisms, their history, their traditions, namely all that Christian worship tradition through the ages has brought to those being saved in nurturing them along their pathways?  Worship is indeed a key ingredient to the lives of the faithful.  This lecture from 1998 explores how one plans worship for both believers and non-believers to nurture both in faith and love.