Litany of Remembrance for September 11

 See also “A Service of Remembrance for September 11”


By The Rev. Thomas L. Weitzel

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


The following litany may be used in any worship setting, Christian or interfaith.  If used in a service of holy communion, it would replace the Prayer of the Church.




L = Leader    C = Congregation


L:         On September 11, 2001, our lives were changed.  Loss came into our world in a shocking and tragic way – loss of innocence as a nation,  loss of security in our communities,  loss of lives and livelihood for so many individuals.  We shall never be the same after that black day.  And yet we have survived.  We are marked and scarred and still find need for healing, but we have survived to see September 11, 2002.  For this, we can give thanks to the God who provides all good things for our being as individuals and as a nation.  Therefore let us mark this day with prayers of remembrance, prayers of healing, prayers of thanksgiving, and prayers for guidance as we go forward in our lives together.


L:         Lord of the nations, God of our strength, the images of the tragedy of September 11 are still so vivid in our minds and in our senses.  What we saw, how we felt, and what we said is still so very present for us.  Yet with a gentle and caring hand, you have lifted us from the depths of despair and guided us to this time of remembrance one year later. 

C:        With truly grateful hearts, we thank you, O Lord.


L:         You have given us strength beyond our expectation to meet the challenges of living in our post-Nine/Eleven world. 

C:        With truly grateful hearts, we thank you, O Lord.


L:         You have touched us with your healing power and dulled the pain that may never go away by giving us hope again, when at first we felt so hopeless.

C:        With truly grateful hearts, we thank you, O Lord.


L:         As we look back, we remember the lives of those who died so tragically.  We remember the heroism of firefighters, police, nurses, doctors, clergy and so many ordinary citizens who gave of themselves for others – and continued to do so throughout the year.

C:        We remember with thanksgiving, O Lord.


L:         We remember those who stepped forward so swiftly to fight the good fight on our behalf against the evils of terror, some of whom made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives.

C:        We remember with thanksgiving, O Lord.


L:         We remember the courageous leadership of the heads of our government,  standing with us in our sorrow and lending aid, guidance and decisive action to help us move forward.

C:        We remember with thanksgiving, O Lord.


L:         As we look forward, O God, we realize the stark reality that terror still affects our daily lives.  Help us in our fearfulness to place our hope and our trust in you.

C:        Lord, hear our prayer.


L:         Guide and inspire us and our leaders to make wise decisions for our future, for our homeland, and for our people.  Keep us from self-righteousness, arrogant pride and prejudice.  Unite us to champion justice, peace and freedom.

C:        Lord, hear our prayer.


L:         You alone know what hurts remain among us.  Send us your healing Spirit.  Comfort those who mourn.  Bring us all to the fullness of health and joy that comes from your love.

C:        Lord, hear our prayer.


L:         God of all creation, Author of all good, faithful Provider of all our needs, to you we give our praises, our prayers and our thanksgivings on this day of remembrance.  All honor and glory be yours, O God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), now and forever.

C:        Amen