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Litany of the Holy Spirit
for the Installation of a Bishop
by The Rev. Thomas L. Weitzel
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
The following Litany is intended to be used in all parishes of a Synod on the Sunday nearest the Installation of a New Bishop, as well as to be used within the liturgy of the installation itself, thus uniting the entire Synod in one prayer at a most important time in their life and mission together.
Litany of the Holy Spirit for the Installation of a Bishop
P. As our new Bishop is preparing for his installation as the second Bishop of the ___________ Synod of the ELCA, it is appropriate that we call upon almighty God on this day to bless him and the people, ministers, agencies, and congregations of our Synod, that we may all be renewed in spirit and deepened in our faith to follow the call of Christ wherever he might lead.
A. Let us pray for the Rev. Bishop ___________, for his/her family and for our Synod, and ask that the Holy Spirit visit him and us with abundant gifts for our ministry and lives together.
Almighty God, you raise up servants in every time and every place to shepherd your people and guide your flock. Send now, we pray, your Holy Spirit upon your servant, First Name, called and elected to be our Bishop and chief shepherd.
C. Come down, O Love Divine, and visit your servant, First Name, with your blessing.
A. Strengthen him/her for this task of oversight and guide him/her in his/her leadership, that we may all be built up as servants of Christ in this Synod.
C. Come, O Holy Spirit.
A. Stir up his/her faith that s/he may always place his confidence in you and lead us into paths of righteousness and service.
C. Come, O Holy Spirit.
A. Multiply his/her gifts to make him/her an able teacher, a loving counselor, a responsible administrator, and defender of the faith.
C. Come, O Holy Spirit.
A. Increase his/her compassion for your people of faith and your ministers of the gospel, and give him/her the grace to speak your holy word of truth.
C. Come, O Holy Spirit.
A. Bless his/her family and loved ones who support him/her, that they may be adorned with all Christian virtue and faith.
C. Come, O Holy Spirit.
A. Bless us as well, as members of the body of Christ in the ___________ Synod. Stir up your Spirit in us, that we may know your love and follow your call.
C. Stir up your Spirit in us, O Lord.
A. Help us to love and support our new Bishop and pray for him/her and his/her ministry always.
C. Stir up your Spirit in us, O Lord.
A. Bless the ministers, congregations, and agencies of this Synod, and especially those persons installed this day to serve on Synod Council.
C. Stir up your Spirit in us, O Lord.
A. Build up all who witness to the gospel of Christ, that they may have hearts filled with your love and a holy hope through Christ's resurrection.
C. Stir up your Spirit in us, O Lord.
A. Bless the work of our hands and the sweat of our brows, that we might bear abundant fruit for the harvest of the kingdom.
C. Stir up your Spirit in us, O Lord.
A. Come down, O Love Divine.
C. And visit us with the fire of your love.
A. Let it freely burn with ardor bright.
C. And shine ever glorious in our sight.
P. Great God, our Shepherd and Guide, seek us out and make our hearts your dwelling place, that we may truly be your servants in the world, until the light of your Spirit's love brings us into your heavenly kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
C. Amen