The Conversion of St. Paul
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity ends

by The Rev. Thomas L. Weitzel
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

January 25






Order for Confession & Forgiveness

Entrance Hymn   "Rise, O Children of Salvation"


Dialog of the Saints:

A. Praise the Lord, all you saints!

C. Praise him, all you heavenly hosts!


A. So great a cloud of witnesses surrounds us.

C. They witness to God's mighty acts.


A. They witness to God's steadfast love.

C. Their witness guides us in our faith.


A. Give thanks to God for the conversion of St. Paul:

C. Apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ.


A. Sing praise to God, sing praise to him.

C. Sing praise and thanks for all his saints.


Hymn of Praise: "Glory to God"

Apostolic Greeting

Prayer of the Day



First Lesson:  Jonah 3:1-5,10

Second Lesson:  1 Corinthians 7:29-31

Sequence Hymn   "Jesus Calls Us"

Gospel Lesson:  St. Mark 1:14-20


Hymn of the Day   "By All Your Saints"

Apostles' Creed

Litany for the Unity of the Church:

A. Upon these joint feasts of Saints Peter and Paul, let us remember in prayer that Christ prayed that all might be one, and lift up to Almighty God our petitions for Christian unity.

        O God, the Creator of the world, who established and sustains the Church of Jesus Christ:

C. Have mercy and hear us.


A. O God, in whom we share a variety of gifts and a variety of service, and yet in whom we confess with one voice:

C. Have mercy and hear us.


A. O God, the Source of all truth and goodness, who is the same God working in us all:

C. Have mercy and hear us.


A. We, your servants, pray that you would help us to break down the walls that divide us and to keep us from discord, disunion and division; from the guilt of schism and the sin of separation:

C. O Lord, save your Church


A. Spare us from envy and strife, from pride and prejudice, from sectarianism and stubbornness, and from whatever may hinder godly union and concord:

C. O Lord, save your Church


A. Deliver us from lust of power and friendship with a godless world; and forgive us for forsaking our first love, for unfaithfulness and toleration of untruth, for failure to hold fast to your Word and the things you have committed to us, and for being apathetic in our mission:

C. O Lord, save your Church


A. We humbly pray that you would strengthen us with your uniting love so that in union with you we might purge the Church from all error and unbelief, that it may be the pillar and ground of the truth:

C. Make us one in the likeness of Christ.


A. That your Church may preach the Gospel to every creature, set forth the truth that frees all humanity, and so lift up your love that every nation and people may be drawn together into your glory:

C. Make us one in the likeness of Christ.


A. That your Church may remember the sheep that are not of the fold, seek out the wandering and the lost, proclaim the forgiveness of sins to the penitent, keep a heart of compassion for all people, and defend the cause of the poor and the oppressed:

C. Make us one in the likeness of Christ.


A. That your Church may remember to listen to your Word and to follow your will, so that we may teach what we learn; and that we may follow Christ and be an example of what we would commend to the world:

C. Make us one in the likeness of Christ.


P. Gracious God, heavenly Father, accept this our litany for your Holy Church. You have built the Church upon a rock and promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. You have given to us the gifts of your Spirit and the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Grant, we pray, all that we ask, that your Church may grow and prosper in the good news of the Gospel. And bring us at the last to a perfect union with you in your heavenly kingdom. For we ask it in the name of him who is the Rock and the Cornerstone, Jesus Christ our Lord.

C. Amen






Offertory Hymn: "What Shall I Render".

Offertory Prayer


Great Thanksgiving: (spoken)

Preface for Apostles

Holy, Holy, Holy


Eucharistic Prayer (for Epiphany or BCP B)

Our Father



    Lamb of God

    Other hymns as desired


After Communion:

A. Let us pray. Almighty God, as Christ was made manifest in our world, so he is made manifest for us again in the bread and the wine, and for this we thank you. Use us to make him known to all people. We ask it in Jesus' name.

C. Amen






Closing Hymn: Doxology


Acknowledgements: The Dialog of Saints and the Post Communion Prayer are by the Rev. T. L. Weitzel. The Litany for the Unity of the Church was taken from The Daily Office, edited by Herbert Lindemann, Concordia 1965, revised and updated by T.L. Weitzel.